
Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below

home, castle, coffin, cellar, cellar, castle, castle, fangs, window, bed, ladder, shed, path, village,
village, river, river, bridge, forest, forest, mountain, mountain, mountain, neck, blood, midnight
ladder, houses, house, portcullis, drawbridge, moat, coffin, stairs, hall, bottom, wall, window.


Dracula lives in a on top of a .

By day he sleeps in a in the of the .

At he wakes up, climbs the that lead to the entrance , raises the ,

lowers the , crosses the and climbs down the .

At the bottom of the , there is a .

He uses the to cross the .

On the other side of the river, there is a forest.

He walks through the and continues walking down a winding until he comes

to a picturesque .

Many beautiful girls live in the and Dracula goes to one of their .

He fetches a from the garden , leans it against the of the and

climbs up the to the bedroom .

He climbs through the and goes over to the girl's .

He leans over her and then sinks his into her and drinks the girl’s .

After that he returns , back to the coffin in the of the .

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