Homonyms - 1

Homonyms are words which are spelled the same or sound the same but have a different meaning.
Punch and punch are spelled the same, pronounced the same but have different meanings. Punch can mean to hit or an alcoholic drink.
Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation as each other but have different spelling and meanings.
Knew and new are pronounced the same but are spelled differently and have different meaning.

Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.

1. side, sighed

She had a pain in her .

She when she realised how much work she had to do.

2. heir, air

She vanished into thin .

When she died, her son was her only .

3. sum, some

of the we had to do for homework were really difficult.

4. bore, boar

My maths teacher is such a .

I almost fall asleep in his class.

It is not unusual to see wild in the forest.

5. root, route

She likes to take the scenic home even if it takes longer.

Carrots are vegetables.

6. may be, maybe

She going to Paris for her vacation.

she'll go to Paris for her vacation.

7. pail, pale

You look , you need to get out more often.

Fill the with water, please.

8. whether, weather

the is good or not, I really don't care.

9. hole, whole

On the , he is a really nice person - even if he has in his socks.

10. toe, tow

My car broke down and I called for a truck.

I broke my big playing football.

11. allowed, aloud

You're not to read during the exam.

12. scent, cent, sent

He flowers and a bottle of to his mother for her birthday and he didn't have a

left in the bank.

13. would, wood

There used to be a beautiful here. It was cut down to make room for a car park.

you like tea or coffee?

14. flower, flour

Put those in a vase please.

You need , eggs and milk to make pancakes.

15. see, sea

I love living by the .

There is so much to and do.

16. meet, meat

I have to him at six.

He's a vegetarian and doesn't eat .

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